Please ensure all results are sent to Sue via email to including the knockout name, who the match was between and the result.
Round 1 Top team home
Round 2 Botton team home
Round 3 Top team home
Quarter Finals Bottom team home
Semi Finals Top team home
Finals The East Finalists will swap venue with the West Finalists with the bottom teams at home (Surrey Golf to organise)
The Final between the East and the West winners will take place on the 1st October at Bletchingley Golf Club.
The Competition shall be open to all Clubs who are affiliated to Surrey County Golf Ltd and shall be represented by one or two teams of two players with a playing handicap index between 13.0 and 18.0. If a player's handicap index increases during the course of the event beyond 18.0, he must continue to play off 18.0. However, if it decreases from 13.0, he must play off that new handicap index.
Both players shall be 18 years of age or over on the 1st of January for that year's knockout.
All players must have a WHS handicap index.
The Competition will be knockout match played over 18 holes in a four-ball better ball format. The mandatory handicap allowance will be 90%. Each away player will receive 1 extra shot added to their playing handicap after all calculations have taken place. If any away player is also a golfing member of the home club, no extra shot is awarded.
Home Clubs are reminded that it is the rules of the competition to allow the members of the Away Team to play a practice round at a rate equal to or less than the members' introduced guest rate prior to the match.
In the event of a halved match, play shall continue until one team wins a hole.
No player may represent more than one Club Team in any one Surrey team event, but they may represent another Surrey Club provided they are an affiliated member of that club.
The home side in each match must offer at least three dates to their opponents to play the match (two at weekends and one mid-week). These dates must be offered within one week of the draw being published and within one week or all subsequent rounds. Whilst it is the responsibility of the home team to offer the dates it is up to BOTH teams to arrange the match. If for any reason the home side fails to offer three dates within the two weeks of each round, then the away team is entitled to offer three dates to the home team (two at weekends and one mid-week).
It is expected that all teams will mutually agree to play their matches before the completion date of each round. Failure to do so will result in the disqualification of both teams. No extensions will be granted.
All matches are to be played off the Club's medal competition tees of the day.
The draw will be made in two sections, East, and West, and will indicate which Club shall play at home or away in each round.
The contact for this competition is Caroline Hardy-Evans