The U13 Triple Shield, played for by teams of eight from Kent, Surrey and Sussex in a triple matchplay format, took place at Kingswood Golf Club on Thursday 15th August. With a blustery south westerly wind, the day's weather was very different to the previous few days and gave the players an extra challenge to contend with.
The first match saw Josh Jackson take a 5&4 victory over Kent and a 2up win against Sussex on the 18th green.
Match 2 saw Jack Robinson emphatically winning both matches, 8&6 against Sussex and 8&7 against Kent.
In Match 3, Yumin Do took a 6&4 win over Sussex and made a birdie on the 18th to defeat Kent by one hole.
Myles Young, playing in Match 4, finished all square with Sussex, though suffered a 4&3 defeat against Kent.
Euhwan Kim, playing in Match 5, was another to win both matches, winning 4&3 against Sussex and 4&2 against Kent .
Likewise, in Match 6, Rhys Hughes won both, with a 7&6 win against Sussex and a 6&5 victory over Kent.
In Match 7, Brian Kim defeated Sussex 3&2 and battled Kent all the way to the 18th green where he took a 2up victory.
In the final Match, Harry Wang put up a valiant fight but lost 2&1 to Sussex and 1 down to Kent on the final green.
The final match results were:
All the players from each of the Counties showed true determination and everybody battled hard in the tricky conditions.
Congratulations to the Surrey team on winning the U13 Triple Shield in 2024 and we look forward to defending the trophy in 2025.
Bob Lacey
U14 Team Manager